In my recent post, I pitted two of the most popular rubber, holey, easy-peasy summer shoe options for kids against each other. Crocs and Natives are pretty much synonymous with summer and they are just downright all around great shoes for your kids to rock around in. And while I ultimately thought Crocs were the winner of the two options, it was a close call and I could have been swayed either way. But what about the other options? Do we really live in a world where the only two choices are Crocs or Natives? Is there something better out there if they don’t check all your boxes? I can tell you, I have scoured the Earth for different summer footwear options. I have searched high and low. No rock has been left unturned. I do this all for you, our loyal readers because I care. You’ve come this far, why not join me as I explore a great alternative to the overwhelming favorites in kids summertime footwear.

Quickshark Watershoes

Okay okay okay. Bear with me and hear me out. As a kid, my mom would sometimes pick up a pair of watershoes for my summertime fun. She also bought me many pairs of Jncos. I was a fashion icon, after all. I think it was because I had sensory issues at the beach and feeling rocks/shells under my feet when playing in the water was too much to bear. I honestly cannot remember why, but I rocked some sweet neon blue and black watershoes at one point in my life. Now we are coming full circle and I have invested in a few pairs of watershoes for my kids. But why, you may ask? Aren’t you afraid of your kids being the coolest kids on the block? Aren’t you already decking them out in Crocs and Natives and whatever other summer shoe you can get your hands on? The answer is yes and yes. But also, certain situations call for a unique solution. Watershoes are great because they allow your kid to run outside in wet grass much more easily and without fear of losing a shoe mid-sprint and eating it on the slick grass. Plus they are handy for keeping rocks and mulch from infiltrating your kids shoes.

In particular, I settled on the Quickshark watershoes from Amazon because they could ship fast (waterslide day at camp was just days away!) and they hit a comfortable middle ground between price and (seemingly) good quality. Amazon can be the Wild West out there, so sometimes it’s best to choose products that are not the cheapest in their category just to increase your odds of getting something good. Well, what’s the verdict?

Behold, the Quickshark watershoes. Turning heads since at least 2022

The Design:

I like a number of things about the Quickshark watershoes. First of all, the soles are extremely grippy and extend above the toes. This helps reduce the likelihood of stubbed toes or poking holes in the fabric material near the toes. I really feel like my kids are getting great traction when they are running in these watershoes. I am sure to pack these whenever they are going to be playing outside on a waterslide or running through wet grass in a sprinkler because I can guarantee that they are going to have stable footing.

No stubbed toes in these bad boys.

The second thing I like about the Quickshark watershoes are the pull tabs on both the tongue and heel of the shoes. This helps immensely when putting on the watershoes and making sure you get a snug fit. My wife did recently say that she had some difficulty getting the shoes on my daughter when they were wet, but at least the pull tabs make it a little bit easier to shimmy a wet foot into a tight watershoe.

Finally, the strap that goes across the shoe feels durable and secures the watershoes to your child’s feet. These shoes are absolutely not budging at all once your kid is strapped up in Quickshark watershoes. There is just enough stretch so that your kid doesn’t complain about the shoes being too tight, but it’s also easy for their tiny little fingers to readjust even when wet.


My oldest daughter is wearing the same pair she had last year and I have not noticed any major durability issues whatsoever. I did notice that a small part of the sole was starting to separate from the fabric, so it’s something to keep an eye on and some Shoe Goo handy. Granted, she wears them in a much more limited capacity than her Crocs, but I think this brand of watershoes holds up well to fairly regular use. I’m pretty sure she will grow out of them before next year, but I feel confident that they will be handed down to her little sister for the next round of outdoor water adventure. As always, I will be sure to update this section if I end up finding that the shoes have any type of flaw that I overlooked or did not appear until further on in their use.

A wee bit of separation, but overall these have held up great over time.


The Quickshark watershoes are a very affordable option for kids summer footwear. Like I mentioned earlier, when ordering on Amazon, I look at a number of criteria. First, I look to make sure the shop is not just a replica of a million other shops with the same exact product. Unfortunately this has become all too common on Amazon. One way to bypass this issue is to look for a product that is not necessarily the cheapest in its category. I usually end up scanning through a few pages of results before I determine what the rockbottom price is and then look for something a little more expensive. This is just one way that I try to buy products that will last for more than one kid (either handed down within my family or to friends). From a price perspective, I think the Quickshark watershoes are at a really great price point.


  • Super grippy soles make the Quickshark watershoes excellent in wet grass
  • Solid construction makes them extremely durable
  • Quickshark watershoes are at an affordable pricepoint


  • Quickshark watershoes can be difficult to get on when wet, but this is true of most watershoes

Rating: 4/5

I highly recommend Quickshark watershoes for summertime adventures. My kids love theirs and they have held up remarkably over the course of the time we’ve owned them.

Are you picking up a pair? Already have some? We love hearing feedback, so leave a comment below!